Make a Video Featuring Integy Products, Get Discounts!
What Kinds of Videos We Are looking For?
The following is a description of the types of videos that will earn you the discount coupons:
Simple Video: A simple video can be some action driving, or rock crawling, or demo featuring Integy products; there's no instructions, or no in-depth testing - just turn the camera on, show our products, and make them look good!
Product Review: A product review requires you to tell your viewers about our product, including details such as what it does and how it works. Usually product reviews end with a score or a star rating.
How-To/Installation Guide: A how-to or installation guide is an in-depth video showing your viewers how to install or use our products in step-by-step fashion. These take the most time to make, but are very informative and worth the extra savings.
Add in our URL Graphic: This is not required, but you save an extra $10 if you add our URL to the beginning and the end of your video. The URL graphic should be displayed for the first 3 seconds at the beginning of your video (for an intro) AND the last 3 seconds at end of the video (for the closing credits).
You can download the URL graphics from our Facebook page at or using the links below; note that we have URL graphics for both widescreen 16:9 (1920x1080, 1280x720) and standard screen 4:3 (1280x960), andmost movie editing programs will allow you to place the graphic into your video.
Widescreen 16:9 URL Graphics (1920x1080)
Click to download: Widescreen Fan BG
Click to download: Widescreen Gear BG
Click to download: Widescreen Shocks BG
Click to download: Widescreen Tools BG
Standard 4:3 URL Graphics (1280x960)
Click to download: Standard Gear BG
Click to download: Standard Shocks BG
Click to download: Standard Tools BG
Tips on Making a Great Video
Go to and find the page of the product you would like to review. Make a note of the product name, part number, and MSRP. You will want to state this details somewhere in your review, either by saying the details or by overlaying a text graphic showing the information. These details are not technically required, but it gives your viewers a lot of information about the product.
For How-To and/or Product Reviews, real-world experience with the product is just as important as specifications and measurements. Try to give your viewers enough information so that they can understand the product and its usage; try not to get too technical.
Use a good, auto-focusing video camera (i.e. handheld video camera, GoPro camera, etc.) Some smartphone cameras will work too, but whatever you use, you'll want to attach your camera to some sort of tripod so that the video footage is steady and consistent. Obviously this does not apply if you are doing an action video or a product guide which requires moving the camera, but if you have to move the camera around try to do it smooth with a constant speed. NOTE: If you're using a smartphone camera, make sure to hold the smartphone in LANDSCAPE MODE so that your video is wider in size than it is taller.
For How-To and Product Guides, try to film in a brightly lit area. This does not mean to wait until high noon and go outside and film; direct outdoor sunlight is actually too bright, and it can cause too many glare effects and overexposed footage. The best place to do a How-To or Product Guide is in a brightly lit room; using white light like a fluorescent lamp or LED light is best.
Before you actually film, take a few minutes and write down your "script." It does not have to be word for word, but more like an outline. That way you can get all of what you want to say in the right order, and you have a "cheat sheet" to glance at during filming if you need to state specific details or measurements lose your place, or have a "brain freeze" moment. A product score (1-5 stars) is not required, but if you think that the product is a 5-star item, by all means feel free to state that in your video!
Edit your video. Editing video is not as hard as it may seem as long as you keep things simple. You do not need super CGI special effects to make a good video; there are a number of tutorials on the Internet that show you how to easily edit your videos on both PC and Mac. A few guidelines to follow when editing your video are:
- Stick to a "monitor friendly" video size (1280x720, 1024x768, 800x600, etc.)
- Keep the special effects, intros, and outros minimal.
- Make sure the sound level is loud enough to be understandable
- Try to keep your videos no longer than 15 minutes long!
When your video is ready, upload it to YouTube at the highest quality possible. Watch it, make sure you like it, then watch it again - just to make sure you have all the details right. A good trick is to have someone who has not seen your video watch it; you can get a lot of good feedback by first-time viewers. If you need to make any changes, do so now.
All good? Make a note of the title of the video and the URL end the YouTube link to us at [email protected]. We will send you an email confirmation letting you know that we received the link, and our staff will review your video.
*What You Need To Know (Rules and Stuff)
Of course, there are a few rules. Please be aware of the following:
1. All videos should have correct content or technical accuracy. If you need any information specific to a product that you'd like to make a video of, feel free to email us beforehand and we'll be glad to help.
2. Sorry, but we will absolutely not publish any videos with incorrect content, offensive content, dangerous situations, or vulgar language.
3. By submitting your video to us, you give us permission to upload the video to our YouTube channel and use it for any present and future promotions. Do not worry - we will give you proper credit on our YouTube channel for your contribution.
4. Each discount coupon is valid for one order made after the coupon is issued. You cannot apply coupons to previous or pending orders.
5. Each coupon is to be used individually; you cannot combine coupons together for an order. You also cannot combine the coupon with any other promotion we are having.
6. So far we are not limiting the number of reviews an individual submits, so film away - the more we like your videos, the more savings you will earn!
7. Promotion is open to any customer ordering from the Integy website, and coupons will only be distributed to the author of the videos we have approved. However, once you have your coupon, if you want to give it to a relative, friend, or RC buddy - go right ahead!
8. All videos will be reviewed by the Integy staff. We have the final say on video approval.
9. Items featured in your videos must be currently available for sale at It would be a little late to do a video on something that is 10 years old and no longer available, right?
10. We reserve the right to end the promotion at any time, without prior notice.